суббота, 1 сентября 2018 г.

ErrLib 1.0 released

ErrLib is a library to assist in dealing with exceptions and errors in C/C++ Windows Applications

Author: MSDN.WhiteKnight
License: BSD 3-clause
Requirements: Windows Vista (or newer), Visual Studio 2010 (or newer)

  • Simple way to get exception code, error message and stack trace in the handler block for SEH exceptions (as well as unhandled C++ exceptions which cause them)
  • Executing user-defined callback function on unhandled SEH exception
  • Helper macros for converting Win32/COM errors into exceptions
  • Configurable logging: can write diagnostic information into log file, stderr stream, Windows Event Log or other targets
  • Multithreaded: all functionality can be used from different threads independently
  • All string processing in Unicode (wide characters)

Download binaries: https://yadi.sk/d/jNEO7HJV3akod5

Source code: https://github.com/MSDN-WhiteKnight/ErrLib