воскресенье, 24 марта 2019 г.

CilBytecodeParser 1.3 released

CilBytecodeParser 1.3

License: BSD 2.0

Requirements: .NET Framework 3.5+

CilBytecodeParser is a library that reads .NET methods' Common Intermediate Language (CIL) bytecode and converts it into high-level objects or textual CIL representation so they can be easily studied and programmatically processed.


  • Retreving the collection of instructions that form method body
  • Retreiving graph that represents a flow of control between method's instructions
  • Converting CIL code into text
  • Convenient extension method syntax

Download binaries: https://yadi.sk/d/EWEjw6WUVDJzCQ

Source code: CilBytecodeParser on GitHub